Coaching and consulting services to help you see ‘change’ as full of opportunities.

Shift your perspective with coaching and navigate unexpected changes with clarity and success.

Coaching and Consulting Services for Professionals, Entrepreneurs, and Organizational Leaders.

Fern plant, notebook and pen displayed on white table ready for a coaching session

Elizabeth Hesp Coaching and Consulting (EHCC) provides solution-focused and culturally agile professional development services to improve leadership impact at both the individual and organizational level.

Are you a director, manager, team lead or board chair navigating challenging organizational changes? Or are you a mid-career professional or entrepreneur disrupted in your career or business?

Are you seeking a roadmap for the following?

  • Burnout to Engaged
  • Overlooked to Visible
  • Conflict to Agreement
  • Disconnection to Connection
  • Disruption to Innovation
  • Oversight to Strategy
  • Ineffectiveness to Impact

In a rapidly changing world, you need to continuously evolve to deliver to the needs of your team, business, or stakeholders.

At EHCC, we believe in a client-centric approach. Our professional services are customized to meet your individual or organization’s specific needs, ensuring your journey to successful outcomes is fully supported.

EHCC provides the following:

  • Leadership Coaching
  • First 90 Days Leadership Onboarding Coaching
  • Systemic Team Coaching for Diverse Teams
  • Career Transition Coaching 
  • Change Management Coaching for Organizations
  • Entrepreneurship Coaching  
  • Cultural Intelligence Consulting with 360 assessments 

EHCC is a qualified, diverse supplier to organizations in South Eastern Ontario and based in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. All our services are accessible in person and virtually. Let’s start with a conversation tailored to your needs to support your change.

Coaching and Consulting Services

Career Transition Coaching

Mature career woman smiling at the camera in an office building

Relaunch Your Career

Leadership Coaching

Confident minority woman leader seated with team smiling and engaging with camera.

Serve to Lead

Entrepreneurship Coaching

Diverse women entrepreneur standing in front of stairs and smiling at camera.

Scale Your Business

Cultural Intelligence Consulting

Diverse entrepreneurs clapping in a multicultural business setting.

Improve Your CQ®

Our coaching partnership will guide you to successfully navigate your career, business and leadership changes. You will build a strategic plan that works with you and with your organization’s values and vision.

Headshot of Elizabeth Hesp providing coaching and consulting services

Meet your Coach

Partnering with you to help navigate your change for strategic and transformative outcomes.

A trained professional coach with over six years of experience, I help you, as your accountability partner, to confidently and strategically bridge the gap of change in a limited time to co-create the desired results.

As an International Coaching Federation (ICF) credentialed and active member, I introduce the latest methodologies with a systems approach to co-creating solutions. As a result, you will shift your perspective and mindset and implement new behaviours aligned with your values and purpose for improved performance and impact. Doing so will change your career or business outcomes or shift organizational culture and leadership impact.

I provide transformative professional development services that are not only effective but also socially responsible. I do this through an equitable, inclusive, trauma-informed lens and in alignment with United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4 (quality education), 5 (gender equity) and 8 (decent work and economic growth).

“The impossible is often possible when we learn to become comfortable with the uncomfortable”
– Elizabeth Hesp


Elizabeth provided thoughtful and strategic coaching to our WE-CAN clients through the FUSION Coaching Program.

Her expert guidance and support helped our clients focus on their core mission, adjust their mindset as needed, and take action to help ensure future success.

Working with Elizabeth was a dream! She is highly organized, and her work is heart-centred. She listens as much as she speaks, which makes her an excellent coach and guide. She is a self-starter and solves problems as they arise.

I would be happy to refer Elizabeth and her services to other organizations in my network. Not only did she deliver what she promised on time and on budget, she left a positive impression on the clients she worked with under the FUSION Coaching program.

Thank you, Elizabeth!

WE-CAN Project logo supporting Project Manager Kerry Ramsay's testimonial about working with Elizabeth Hesp Business and Career Transition Coach and Consultant      Queen's University Partnerships and Innovation Logo accompanying testimonial about working with Elizabeth Hesp, Coach and Consultant

Career Building Workshop for the Canadian Armed Forces.

Thank you, Elizabeth, for providing an outstanding workshop for the CAF community on Wednesday March 30th, 2022.

I appreciate your dedication and working with the KMFRC to provide information to support the CAF Community with changing careers.

Elizabeth has had the lived experience of being an immigrant settler in Canada, and she understands the challenges of Women of Colour and immigrant women.

As a Leadership and Entrepreneurship coaching professional, she dedicates her time and works to supporting gender equity and helping women build their entrepreneurial futures. Elizabeth is a passionate entrepreneur herself and a mentor and advocate for women in business, and she professionally invests in their personal and professional growth.

She is an excellent support for all women professionals and entrepreneurs, especially women of colour.

I hired Elizabeth as my Career Transition coach in a period of desperation and burnout in my professional career.

I strongly desired a change and a fresh start, yet I didn’t know what to do or how to do it. Elizabeth’s coaching process nourished and inspired me and clarified my thinking. She asked questions and phrased them to picture myself succeeding at various types of careers.

This questioning method surprised me and created confidence that I could achieve a move into careers that were previously unimaginable to me. I couldn’t have imagined a better process than the one Elizabeth provided.

Being coached this way enabled positive decision-making and fresh new changes.

I came to Elizabeth at a time in my life when I was struggling with my insecurities to complete my professional training and transitioning to a new career and business.

As a Career Transition and Entrepreneurship Coach, Elizabeth has a way of seeing the bigger picture and making you feel comfortable. She asked me powerful questions and allowed our sessions to flow effortlessly.

I was taken on a step by step approach to renew and affirm my confidence in myself.  The whole experience helped me complete my training, pass my exams and become the professional coach I am today.

Elizabeth is an effective coach and I highly recommend her.